The user feedback problem
If you’re into agile, you’ve probably encountered this question: If iterating over user feedback is so fundamentally important, how come Apple has repeated success with their apparent one-off,...
View ArticleThe splendid long iterations
Some times, we want longer iterations. We waste to much time in meetings and other activities associated with iteration turnovers, so we decide to extend the duration of the iteration. Let’s make those...
View ArticleFå betalt for feil du ikke finner!
På dagens frokostmøte ble det ytret frustrasjon rundt testere i ett prosjekt som så det som sin oppgave å finne flest mulige feil i applikasjonen. Og det er greit nok det, om man har rigget prosjektet...
View ArticleEr nye bygninger trygge?
Vi er vant til at programvare har feil. Bare husk de grufulle minnene fra Windows sin blåskjerm “blue screen of death”, som selv for Bill Gates kom på det mest ubeleilige tidspunkt (da Windows 95...
View ArticleEn prosessorientert uke!
Med en ny uke kommer nye muligheter. Etter en produktiv uke har vi kommet langt på vårt minimum viable product (MVP). Denne ble lagd ved hjelp av HTML, CSS og JavaScript, verktøy som raskt lot oss...
View ArticleImplementasjon og lansering på Google Play Store
Etter to uker med effektiv jobbing kan vi med glede annonsere at applikasjonen vår nå er på Google Play Store! Applikasjonen vår, som nå er døpt Strandfunn, kan lastes ned fra Play Store til en rimelig...
View ArticleYou’re Writing the Wrong Software – You Never Know What Users Want Until You...
Too often companies and IT departments believe that they know what software they should create. However users often need and want something different than you believe, even if you’re a domain expert...
View ArticleWhat seems to be the Problem, Solution?
Like so many others, you’re ready to start practicing Lean Startup and Customer Development. You’re about to start working on a new product or feature, so the timing is perfect. You sit down with a...
View ArticleKnow your feedback loop – why and how to optimize it
If you always write perfect code, know how to predict the future and don’t care how your money is spent, you don’t need to read this. The rest of you need to know this stuff. What is a feedback loop? A...
View ArticleAgile Nearshoring with Yogurt!
At a recent beerstorming (*), we discussed how to make nearshoring of software development work. Funny enough, the smooth taste of Yogurt entered the picture. (*) Beerstorm is a fun-name invention for...
View ArticleIdle your product owner
As a first step towards dealing with an over-loaded development team, we showed an organization how to visualize their work by representing work items with Post-its on the wall, flowing from to-do, to...
View ArticleDone in 18 bananas
Even though the word consult comes from Latin and French and has nothing to do with it, giving estimates feels closer to conning than advising. Naturally we feel bad about this, we do not want to feel...
Lykkes du – så del med andre hva du har lært. Deler du, så lærer du og det tror jeg er en god formel! Her er fem ting jeg har lært om forretningsutvikling i store organisasjoner: #1. Finne flere...
View ArticleLean Startup as an invisible hand
Torve Indahl on Please share your opinion on what prevents lean startups in enterprise Business cases are in most large corp the key follow-up tool to measure your projects success and growth. When...
View ArticleSmidig 2014: Smidig vs Lean Startup
Nei, vi skal ikke rope “dette er ikke lean startup” fra taket på Oslo Plaza i årene som kommer. De fleste av oss har måttet høre på utsagn som “this is not proper Scrum” mang en gang, uten at det hjalp...
View ArticleLean Summer of 2015
Can 6 tech students help a telecom giant innovate in 6 weeks? Telenor Norway wants to solve real problems for real people. As summer interns in Iterate – the lean startup consultancy in Norway – we’ve...
View ArticleLean Summer of 2015 – Week 2
Can 6 tech students help a telecom giant innovate in 6 weeks? Telenor Norway wants to solve real problems for real people. As summer interns in Iterate – the lean startup consultancy in Norway – we’ve...
View ArticleLean Summer of 2015 – Week 3
Can 6 tech students help a telecom giant innovate in 6 weeks? Telenor Norway wants to solve real problems for real people. As summer interns in Iterate – the lean startup consultancy in Norway – we’ve...
View ArticleLean Summer of 2015 – Week 5
Can 6 tech students help a telecom giant innovate in 6 weeks? Telenor Norway wants to solve real problems for real people. As summer interns in Iterate – the lean startup consultancy in Norway – we’ve...
View ArticleDevelopers, start thinking about design!
by Alexandra Leisse | | @troubalex This is a written and slightly tidied version of the lightning talk I gave at this year’s Javazone. We designers have long been told that we...
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